MEMBERSHIP starts here.
We want to meet you, don't be shy!
Join or renew for 2024 fun!
An annual membership fee is $275 per person. Dues will be accepted between December 15th and January 15th. Bring your dues check to the clubhouse desk M-F from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Would you like a tour? Please leave a message at 928-342-7786, and we will call you back and set it up.
When you join the club, you will be given an electronic pass card with 24/7 access. Your out-of-town houseguests are welcome to come to the club with you. You must sign them in in the guest book and accompany them when they are at the club and/or pool. (Guests will need tickets for any ticketed events, just like members.)
Keep your key card - it can be reactivated or reassigned. Please turn the card in to the front desk YECC "mailbox" if you are moving away with no plan to return. Thank you!
Join or renew for 2024 fun!
An annual membership fee is $275 per person. Dues will be accepted between December 15th and January 15th. Bring your dues check to the clubhouse desk M-F from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Would you like a tour? Please leave a message at 928-342-7786, and we will call you back and set it up.
When you join the club, you will be given an electronic pass card with 24/7 access. Your out-of-town houseguests are welcome to come to the club with you. You must sign them in in the guest book and accompany them when they are at the club and/or pool. (Guests will need tickets for any ticketed events, just like members.)
Keep your key card - it can be reactivated or reassigned. Please turn the card in to the front desk YECC "mailbox" if you are moving away with no plan to return. Thank you!
Please contact us.
If you're interested in membership, we'd love to hear from you! Just fill out this simple form. It goes directly to the club members that manage this site. It's easy and secure. Try it - you'll like it.